Alicat Scientific (logo) Mass Flow Controllers

Alicat Mass Flow Controllers

Alicat mass flow controllers make process control and calibration processes more efficient.

We offer many ways to customize your gas controller for use in low pressure drop, high pressure or corrosive applications. Standard features include real-time readings, fast valve response and multi-gas calibration. Most models can be customized for flow rates as high as 5000 SLPM or as low as 2.5 SµLM/0.0025 SCCM. Gas mass flow controllers must be fast and accurate to establish stable flow.

Alicat mass flow controllers reach their set points faster than any others, which enabling them to suppress fluctuations in line pressure before they affect the process downstream. Customized valve options and factory PID tuning ensure that your MFC will perform well in your specific application.

Alicat Scientific Mass Flow Controllers

Pressure-based mass flow instrumentation for top performance.

  • 0.6% of reading accuracy on most flow instruments
  • 4 mS response time
  • No warm up
  • Four process variables
  • Built-in display
  • Industrial protocols
  • Pressure compensation
  • Temperature compensation
  • Wide dynamic flow ranges

The MC-series is Alicat’s standard mass flow controller, with models that can measure flow rates as high as 5000 SLPM or as low as 0.0025 ACCM.

Choose an MCQ product when your line pressures are high (145-305 psig).

The MCW-series is best for low-pressure drop applications, leak testing and for reducing pneumatic response time at flow rates of 50 SCCM or less.

If you need a drop-in replacement for an existing thermal mass flow controller, the MCE-series tucks the valve inside to conform to SEMI dimensional specification.

For vacuum applications, the MCV adds a pneumatically-actuated shut-off valve to the MCE form factor.

BASIS is Alicat’s line of compact mass flow controllers designed for OEM applications and large-quantity orders.

Contact us to discuss your flow controller application, to access specifications and receive a price quotation.

UVT serves as Alicat’s authorized technical representative for Northern California, Northern Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Idaho.