UVT Standard Components

Our company offers most every vacuum valve, flange, fitting, flex hose and adapter in KF, ISO and CF configurations. Most items are in stock for immediate delivery.

UVT Standard Components
  • Small 304 Stainless / Bellows Sealed Valves: Manual and Electro-Pneumatic (air to open / spring closure with provision for air closure). In line and angle configurations. Specific sizes vary, but generally from KF16 / 1.33″ CF to KF50 / 6.0″ CF and ISO 63 to 160.
  • Large 304 Stainless Valves: Electro-Pneumatic. Angle configuration, ISO 200 to ISO 630.
  • 304/316 Stainless Flex Hose in KF16 to KF50 sizes and lengths from 100 mm to 2000 mm.
  • Braided Flex Hose in KF16 50 KF50 sizes and lengthy from 250 mm to 1000 mm.
  • 316 stainless Flex Hose in ISO63 to ISO160 sizes and lengths from 100 mm to 1219 mm.
  • Most types of KF flanges, fittings and adapters in sizes from KF10 to KF50.
  • Most types of ISO flanges, fittings and adapters in sizes from ISO63 to ISO250.
  • Most types of CF flanges, fittings and adapters in sizes from CF1.33 to CF8.0.

Contact us with your specific requirements. We’ll gladly provide an attractively priced quotation.