UVT Standard Components
Our company offers most every vacuum valve, flange, fitting, flex hose and adapter in KF, ISO and CF configurations. Most items are in stock for immediate delivery.
- Small 304 Stainless / Bellows Sealed Valves: Manual and Electro-Pneumatic (air to open / spring closure with provision for air closure). In line and angle configurations. Specific sizes vary, but generally from KF16 / 1.33″ CF to KF50 / 6.0″ CF and ISO 63 to 160.
- Large 304 Stainless Valves: Electro-Pneumatic. Angle configuration, ISO 200 to ISO 630.
- 304/316 Stainless Flex Hose in KF16 to KF50 sizes and lengths from 100 mm to 2000 mm.
- Braided Flex Hose in KF16 50 KF50 sizes and lengthy from 250 mm to 1000 mm.
- 316 stainless Flex Hose in ISO63 to ISO160 sizes and lengths from 100 mm to 1219 mm.
- Most types of KF flanges, fittings and adapters in sizes from KF10 to KF50.
- Most types of ISO flanges, fittings and adapters in sizes from ISO63 to ISO250.
- Most types of CF flanges, fittings and adapters in sizes from CF1.33 to CF8.0.
Contact us with your specific requirements. We’ll gladly provide an attractively priced quotation.