Vacuum and its related technologies touch our lives every day in often-unrecognized ways, in the commonly used things in our lives. In the past half-century its primary attributes have enabled unprecedented advancements in medical science, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food processing, electronics, data storage, power generation, transportation, communications and countless other areas of applied research and industry. Perhaps no single technology since the commercialization of electrical power has been responsible for enabling so many other technological advances. It has been my privilege to have made this technology my chosen career for more than five decades.

Our company’s specialization encompasses three core technology groups and the products within:

  • On-site generation of process gases, and their measurement and control
  • Creation, measurement and control of the vacuum environment
  • Equipment for creating and powering thin film processes

We strive for close working partnerships with those we are privileged to call our customers and work diligently to forge strong and sustainable relationships. Amongst these valued relationships are many of North America’s largest corporations, government agencies, education institutions, as well as many privately held specialist companies.

Our organization is a problem-solver and an equipment resource for its customers.  We’d be honored to discuss solutions to your needs.