Welcome to IKE’s Corner

Hello everyone, I’m IKE, Universal Vacuum Tech’s newest staff member. My job will be to tell you about UVT, the good things that I see happening, and an occasional bit of interesting technical information. . I hope I can do that for you every month.
The story behind my name has a lot to do with what UVT is all about:
I = Integrity
Because we care about those with whom we do business, UVT is all about openness, transparency, honesty, and friendliness.
K = Knowledge
After more than a half-century of working closely with engineers, technicians, and scientists in numerous industries and education, UVT brings extensive knowledge to help our customers solve problems using the equipment and services we provide.
E = Experience
We’ve not only done many of the same things as a lot of our customers, but UVT keeps itself well-informed about technology and product applications. Thus we can apply this to our work, and through us, our customers can do a better job at theirs.
The folks at UVT are a lot like the big family I come from. They are loyal, friendly, understanding, and protective. If you want to reach out to me, feel free to drop me an email or give me a call. I’m always looking for new ideas to chat about.