Universal Vacuum Technology, LLC
6518 Lonetree Boulevard #156
Rocklin, CA 95765-5874
(510) 583-5624


Universal Vacuum Technology, LLC
6518 Lonetree Boulevard #156
Rocklin, CA 95765-5874
(510) 583-5624

Coffee Break2023-02-13T11:19:04-07:00

Take a Coffee Break With Me

Illustration of officemates chatting by the water cooler

Feel free to reach out to me with your thoughts and comments.

While working in an R&D lab early in my career, it was a tradition for 6 to 8 of us to gather together during twice-daily coffee breaks. The resulting informal conversation usually centered around what was happening at home or funny things going on at work. Sometimes the conversation turned to more serious matters but rarely if ever, turned contentious. We understood the benefits of boundaries.

Fast forward 40 years. Many of us now work in relative isolation and are hard-pressed to enjoy the kind of interaction I experienced. We’ve lost something of importance… and sadly, this lack of civil conversation tends to feed mistrust and misunderstanding on a broad scale. It need not be.

In Coffee Break, my goal will be to illuminate noteworthy events; stories worth retelling, and through them, focus more on what we share in common than what separates us.